Visual Studio 2019 Causes SSMS to Hang or Run Slowly

I recently noticed that my local development copy of SQL Server Manager Studio (SSMS, v12.0.5659.1) would sometime run very slowly and other times seemed just fine. This was typically when writing code. For example, running a query or attempting to modify an existing stored procedure would take up to a minute or more to appear. I searched and found others with similar issues but none of the resolutions worked for me. Then by chance I noticed that my Visual Studio 2019 (v16.67.6) was actively running a local web application project. As soon as I stopped that, SSMS would immediately return … [Read more...]

Easily Save and Retrieve Application and User Settings in VB.NET or C# Apps

  We used to save our application or user settings in an INI file (dark ages) or more recently in XML files using our own code or classes borrowed from other developers. But applications built with the .NET framework using Visual Studio can take advantage of built-in tools to simplify or speed up access and saving of runtime values. Once common example is saving database connection string information in a configuration file so that it may be changed without need to recompile the application. Here are some simple examples in VB.NET. C# code uses a slightly different syntax the concepts … [Read more...]