Possible Clue to Getting Long Battery Life with HTC Thunderbolt Android Phone

Poor Battery Life defined: Could not go through a normal workday without having to plug into AC! I have had the new HTC Thunderbolt Phone from Verizon for several months now and have had to live with horrible battery life like everyone else until recently. I had read all the blogs and tried all of the tips including task killers (which can actually use more power than they save), cutting back on sync schedules and more. Nothing had really helped and I tried them all. Coming from the Palm and then Blackberry’s I was used to going several days on a single charge. At one point the battery started … [Read more...]

The Next Generation of GPS Navigation

Well Garmin and Magellan had better be looking ahead or they might just get left behind. Why? Because smart-phone navigation is quickly accelerating past conventional GPS navigation units. Google is one such company pushing this new wave of capabilities. Static Databases – What There is now is all you Have Most GPS units today from Garmin and Magellan (two major GPS manufacturers for GPS for automobiles) use a static map database along with a static Points of Interest (POI) database. The POIs are all the addresses, business locations, restaurants etc. that you can locate using the unit. New … [Read more...]